


NPM version

A Tornado šŸŒŖ theme for Slidev.

Live demo: here


Add the following frontmatter to your Start Slidev then it will prompt you to install the theme automatically.

theme: ventus

Learn more about how to use a theme.


This theme provides the following layouts:

You can configure the presenter name and language used to format the date by configuring thoses props at the frontmatter

// at the frontmatter
  presenterName: "name-of-the-presenter" 
  dateFormat: "en-US" (note : link to the list of dateFormat)

Intro : intro


layout: cover
Dark Light
coverDark coverLight

Presenter : presenter


layout: intro
presenterImage: './my-presenter-image.png'
Dark Light
introDark introLight

Section : section


layout: section
number: 1
Dark Light
SectionDark SectionLight

Code : code


layout: code
Dark Light
codeDark codeLight
codeDoubleDark codeDoubleLight

Default : default


Dark Light
textWindowDark textWindowLight

End : end


layout: end
Dark Light
textWindowDark textWindowLight

Feedback : feedback

Goal :


layout: feedback
Dark Light
textWindowDark textWindowLight

Iframe-left or Iframe-right : iframe-left

Goal :


layout: iframe-left
Dark Light
textWindowDark textWindowLight

Image-left or Image-right : image-left

Goal :


layout: image-right
Dark Light
imageRightDark imageRightLight

Punch : punch

Goal :


layout: punch
Dark Light
imageRightDark imageRightLight

Quote : quote

Goal :


layout: quote
Dark Light
imageQuoteDark imageQuoteLight

ROTI : roti

Goal :


layout: roti
Dark Light
imagerotiDark imagerotiLight


This theme provides the following components:

Text <Text> ... </Text>

Goal :

<Text> Component will allow you to automatically format some text.

Usage :

To use it you just need to add it to your slides like this:

<Text>"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."</Text>

Variant <Variant> ... </Variant>

Goal :

<Variant> give you the ability to style the color of a text

Usage :

To use it you just need to add it to your slides like this:

<Variant type='info'>
  Some text

The props type give access to the theme of the application.

Card <Card> ... </Card>

Goal :

<Card> give you the ability to encapsulate Components/text/images with a backgroud and a title relative to the theme of the slides

Usage :

To use it you just need to add it to your slides like this:

<Card type='info' title='My Title'>
  Some text, components, images

The props type give access to the theme of the application.

Note <Note> ... </Note>

Goal :

<Note> give you the ability to encapsulate Components/text/images with a backgroud and a title relative to the theme of the slides

Usage :

To use it you just need to add it to your slides like this:

  Some nicely formated notes

The props type give access to the theme of the application.